It’s public info – Amazon is a go! They are to begin construction on the Ruskin site in Hillsborough County, per county commissioners. There could be ancillary users that need space near Amazon, so that’s another positive externality of this move. As of yet we can’t identify who or what types of users they are. One thing is for sure, it will be noticeable here in Tampa Bay!
We’ve approached “last-mile delivery” companies and so far their answers to our inquiries are they won’t see an immediate increase in their footprints because it’ll be mostly truck traffic from the Amazon site to the doorsteps of consumers. Seeing as this is 1 year away from opening, it’ll probably be 2015 before the impacts can be felt by those companies, and adjustments made in their needs.
In general industry news around the country, you’re seeing 1,000 jobs added in Houston, 219 jobs in Atlanta added, 500 hired in St. Louis, Swisher Hygiene opens a manufacturing plant in Arizona, Manufacturing seeing a revival, etc.. It’s activity and news for the economy, so please be patient with us in Tampa. We’re catching up!
In case you’re paying attention to China, their benchmark interest rate for overnight lending is at 25%!! It was at 2.5% in early 2013, so I guess we’re doing pretty darn good here in the U.S.
Finally! Cool news to read about, the potential for robots to drive freight trucks in the future…yup, robots replacing human truck drivers! Read about it at this link here.